Attendees: Jane, Mary, Lynn, Lindsey, Emily, Diane, Hilary, Ann, Laura, Nicole, Stephanie
1. BF Fun Get-together— reviewed survey results from Survey Monkey that Lindsey developed. Reviewed the goals:
–Let people know about CABC
–Provide info re: breastfeeding resources
–Provide advocacy opportunities– how to get involved after breastfeeding
–Story-gathering– e.g., biggest challenge in nursing, what messages do you hear from the media? Have question cards or flip charts with questions…
Emily suggested a posterboard with pictures from the nurse-in– What does advocacy look like?
What are the gaps in the community?
How do employers support breastfeeding?
Where are there opportunities to be more supportive of breastfeeding?
How to focus the outreach of the CABC.
Venues to be considered would be the 1st Christian Church, Mother&EWarth Baby Boutique, MSU Union, Willow Tree.
Date being looked at is an evening in early March, a 4 – 7 p.m.Open House. March is also Parenting Awareness Month.
Follow-up needed: Nicole will check on date availability for Willow Tree space. Food, publicity, goodie bags, resources needed.
2. Allen Neighborhood Center BF support hour:
February 3 is the first day, 5 – 6 p.m., then weekly. Organizations will rotate providing BF support person– Ingham County H.D. WIC, Willow Tree, EPO/Baby Cafe, LaLecheLeague.
3. Lactation Counselor reception: Mary is looking at dates and venues to schedule time for lactation counselors to meet and network. Mary will send out invites.
4. BF friendly business clings— printing error on first batch
of clings– Lynn will contact printer to see if they will re-print at a discount. Jane will check on other sources of funding.
5. CABC plans for 2016:
–LLL Conference in the fall for LLL 60th anniversary.
–Breastfeeding Awareness Month/World Breastfeeding Week
–LLL plans to sponsor Live, Love, Latch on August 14.
–Lynn plans to sponsor Big Latch On
–Other activities could include gathering at Capitol
Good to plan early for coordination and publicity purposes
–Distribute Business clings and enroll businesses on the website
6. Revise 1/2 page quick resource guide– Diane will redistribute for review and comment.
7. Updates:
–-Michigan BFN-– Jane described the workplace engagement grant from the state, used for marketing and social marketing. There were discussions held at Human Resources meetings in the state. Also, there are webinars for coalitions– the next one is February 4– “Supporting Moms in the Workplace”. All are invited to join the webinars. Go to workplace-webinar-series to see upcoming webinars and to access on your computer. Go to quarterly-coalition-webinar- resources for previous webinars that were recorded.
Jane described a 3-year draft plan and budget to create breastdfeeding friendly communities. The draft is available for review (contact Diane if you would like an email sent for review.
— Ingham County and Willow Tree are collaborating with Strong Start Healthy Start to sponsor support groups targeted to African American Moms– Black Breastfeeding Sisterhood. Group meets the first and third Monday of each month from 3 PM – 5 PM.
—Baby Cafe— going well at new location. The Ingham County site has had lower attendance. Mary is working on the annual data report.
—McClaren— Working on a resource guide for moms; also providing extra hours of breastfeeding education for hospital nurses.
—Willow Tree-– April 16, Baby Fair at the Lansing Center. Ann will send the BF Rock N Rest list to Nicole. Would welcome volunteers. See above info re: Black Breastfeeding Sisterhood.
—Emily– call for Proposals for workshop topics for the fall Parenting Awareness Conference. Would like a BF Workshop. Possible topics for BF submission would be BF Barriers in minority communities or Benefits to the workplace of Breastfeeding, How promoting breastfeeding reduces public health costs overall.
Also, June 18 at 10:30 will be a Team hike to raise awareness of postpartum depression– “Climb Out of the Darkness”.
8. Other announcements:
— Laura recommended a website for moms and employers: .
–For those who know Beth Ames Eggleston, who provided coordination of the Cap Area Breastfeeding Coalition for several years before her move to Grand Rapids, she is expecting!! We know she’ll have lots of resources to turn to for breastfeeding support. Congratulations, Beth!
9 Next meeting: Tuesday, February 16, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.