EPO/CABC Support Group Grant Update: Mary gave an update on the support group activity and flyer that is almost ready to print, which will include the CABC logo..
Sparrow Best-fed Beginnings: Project is very busy– more to update in February.
Social Share Campaign: Discussed needing to know more about how moms are deciding to breastfeed, where they get their info, and what influences them to stop or continue? Existing data will be sought.
Ingham County Breastfeeding Resolution: Proposal for resolution and policy is in the works.
Breastfeeding Support Group Grants: There are 9 coalitions that have received the grant. Most are getting their support groups lined up and ordering supplies; some groups are doing “warm lines” (after hours phone support) and drop-in centers. The most interest was re: the Baby Cafe idea. MDCH will cover the cost of licensing and the training fee for coalitions that were interested in starting a registered Baby Cafe. Go to http://www.thebabycafe.org/baby-cafe-usa.html for more information.
East Lansing Art Festival: Ann will tell Eric Larson, coordinator of the Festival Children’s area, that CABC is interested in participating. Need to confirm who can provide tents– 2 tents that are 10 x10 or 1 tent that is 20 x 20. Also plan to provide more information about the tent to the Festival information booth volunteers.
Pump Issues with Insurance and Medicaid: Pumps from McLaren for commercially insured moms are better than the pumps provided for Medicaid moms. There are no DME’s in the mid-Michigan area that will provide rental pumps. Hygeia will provide vouchers to moms whose insurance is inadequate, but this is time-consuming. Members may wish to contact the insurance companies, the media, or Medicaid regarding this.