Attendance: Nikki, Lindsey, Lynn, Diane, Natosha, N’aimah, Krystal
Welcome to Nikki, the breastfeeding mentor from Barry-Eaton Health Department.
1. Advocacy: Lindsey reported on a post from a teacher who asked for a place to pump on a class visit to Potter Park Zoo, and ended up pumping in a restroom that was not satisfactory. Lynn said she would call the Zoo as a first step (follow-up, the Zoo has now posted its breastfeeding policy on its website and welcomes breastfeeding moms). Advocacy steps may go from a phone call to an email or letter, talk with zoo personnel, then zoo board, county commissioners, then plan a nurse-in at the zoo and invite publicity. In this instance, the mom involved advocated for herself and the Zoo responded positively.
Lynn reported on a Dentist employed by Ingham County who was told she could not take breaks for pumping. Natosha identified the ICHD policy and Lynn sent a copy on.
2. Baby Fair: the fair went well, tho the attendance may have been lower than previous year. Will try for an April date next year. Vendors seemed to be pleased. Channels 6 and 10 provided TV coverage.
3. Nurse-In: this event at the Capitol went well. There were about 10 – 15 moms total, which was lower than previous year. Will try to increase the inforrmation about it next year and encourage breastfeeding advocates and support personnel to attend as well as breastfeeding moms.
4. Big Latch-On at the Capitol: Lynn reported that the Capitol is secured and she is starting the promotional materials. August 5, 9 – 1:00.
5. Breastfeeding Awareness Month in August:
Team Leader– Natosha, with Stacie, N’aimah and the new Ingham County PC
- Calendar of events– design to include events during the month and to post on facebook
- Big Latch-On at the Capitol (Lynn)
- Live Latch Love (La Leche League)
- Black Breastfeeding Sisterhood Barbecue
- Black Breastfeeding Awareness Week
- Breastfeeding Awareness Walk (MDHHS)
- Milky Way Screening (Willow Tree)
6.Resource Guides/Website/Social Media/Trello (Ann, Diane)
N’aimah was added as an administrator on the FB page so she can post for Breastfeeding Month
Change needed in name and address for the Cristo Rey support group– now called Mama’s Milk and address should be 1717 High Street, not 1217. Diane will make change on 1/2 page sheet and on website. Ann, can you see if the change is needed elsewhere? Should say, Mama’s Milk–Free breastfeeding support. Friday mornings, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m., 1717 High Street, Lansing. Pregnant and nursing mothers welcome.
Ann said she would put the CABC Boards on Trello. We may need a run-through with the CABC members, as not everyone has used it before.
7. Updates:
Barry-Eaton Health Dept: Nikki reported that bf rates have decreased, for both initiation and duration. They are trying to have their peer counselor engage more with pregnant moms and have started using the call-back report from the WIC system.
Ingham Couny Health Dept: Natosha has been hearing from moms about Day 1 supplementation and pushing formulas at the hospitals. Tracie will give some feedback when she meets with Sparrow personnel. Also he “Depo shot” at 6 weeks may be causing some supply issues; moms may not know to ask about supply when they consent to the shot. Discussed how to have a conversation with moms about this; Stacie will look into guidance at ICHD that discusses BF roadblocks.
ICHD will soon be posting a Peer Counselor position.
La Leche League: Lindsey reported that there is an Usborn book sale fundraiser coming up, with breastfeeding friendly books for sale.
8. Next meetings:
5:30 – 7:30 at Mother&Earth Baby Boutique, 2nd Wednesdays each month.
June 14, July 12, August 9