October 30 CABC Meeting– Highlights from the Minutes

Our October 30 meeting was great– lots of news and ideas to discuss.  Here are the highlights from the meeting minutes:

–Best Fed Beginnings at Sparrow will host a Prenatal Education Luncheon; Laura from CABC will plan to attend.

— MDCH received a CDC BF Grant, partnering with State WIC, Maternal Infant Health Program, Black Mothers’ Breastfeeding Association, the Early Learning Investment Corporation, and 7 local breastfeeding coalitions, including our CABC.  Support for  breastfeeding support groups for immediate post discharge breastfeeding moms will be provided. Other coalitions include Southwest Michigan, Jackson County, Muskegon County, Wayne County,  Genesee County, and Calhoun County.

— Washtenaw County passed a breastfeeding policy allowing women  to breastfeed in any county building. Could something similar be done in Ingham Co? Rose Snyder has agreed to follow-up in Ingham County, and will let coalition members know if additional support or information is needed.

–Discussed possible media outlets that CABC hasn’t been addressing.  Ideas included:  Posters in peds/OBs offices, use of QR codes on cards or flyers,  cards to go in hospital baby bags – Beth M. will check on this, texting campaign, blog, scrolling messages, window clings, calendar with breastfeeding moms and babies, Social Share Campaign, to include photos of moms nursing at local landmarks (Christmas tree at the capital, Sparty statue, football game, basketball game, while snowshoeing, etc.  More to be discussed at November 27 meeting.