February 22, 2012 Meeting

Letter to hospitals:  Coalition members agreed to sign a letter to be sent to area hospitals, urging them to immediately discontinue the distribution of commercial infant formula manufacturer discharge bags. Letter is based on a sample from the US Breastfeeding Committee. Finalized letter to be available at the next CABC meeting in March, for all to sign.

Hometown Health Hero: Coalition will nominate Ann Siegle as a Hometown Health Hero for her work in design and marketing for Coalition activities over the past year.  Three cheers for Ann! HHeros who are selected will have their award presented at the Capitol on April 25.

Coalition Resource list is nearing completion, and last-minute changes should be emailed asap to Ann Siegle for inclusion in the print version, and to update the website version.

Website: Ann has registered a new URL to be used for the coalition in the future.  The new URL, mibreastfedbaby.org would also be able to house local coalition information from all Michigan coalitions.

East Lansing Art Fest:  May 19 – 20 . Plans are coming together for a Coalition “rock and rest” tent.  Sign-up sheet for shifts at the tent and set-up crew coming soon.

Michigan BF Network Quarterly Meeting:  March 21 at St. John’s Hospital and Medical Center.  See Calendar item on webpage for more information and contact Beth McLellan to RSVP  517 851-2166 or mclellan.beth@gmail.com

Next  CABC Meeting:  Wednesday, February 22, 5:30 – 7:30 at Tria Marketing and Design, 1103 N. Washington Ave., Lansing. Everyone is welcome.  For questions, call Ann Siegle at 886-9708.