January 24, 2012 Meeting

The Capital Area Breastfeeding coalition met to review our most recent activities.  The East Lansing Art Festival (May 19 – 20)  has approved our request to host a tent.  Members will be asked to assist in creating a resource list for the event, and to locate chairs, water,  changing pads, carpet.  Mark your calendar to attend the event, and sign up to help staff the tent!

Coalition members met with Director Olga Dazzo of the Michigan Department of Community Health on December 16.  The discussion was positive, and MDCH is supportive– “Healthy Michigan starts with the breast”.  Follow-up communications will be made.

Anne Scott, graduate student at MSU, discussed her research project– she is looking to understand the role of social support in breastfeeding choices of Capital Area low-income mothers.

The Million Mothers March will be held in Lansing July 18.

MiHealth Tool to be tested by Coalition members– The Community Coalition Asseessment Tool (CCAT) assesses the effectiveness of coalitions.

Next  CABC Meeting:  Wednesday, February 22, 5:30 – 7:30 at Tria Marketing and Design, 1103 N. Washington Ave., Lansing. Everyone is welcome.  For questions, call Ann Siegle at 886-9708.